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I am not fever and an apology from my heart

I can’t continue lying for ever, I was never Fever or even Watex I just made that for the first day to bring some more hits thenI found out that my hits were increasing in a very hot way and I cotinued. I was lying when I said Fever is my uncle, actually Fever is not 17 he is 16 and 1/2, he is only a student at my school and he is a really excellant football player. I am not a friend of William, but he is only my neighbour and joining my same school.

William said that he is quitting, so I thought that for us never to forget him I will see if I can edit my pictures into Fever and post like him

Please post with  yes, it will help us to know atleast that watex never quitted.

This is also an other impo. poll

Update: I may check if William would like to take this site and begin posting by himsef, but give me some time. And actually he know that I am posting like him and he never said that he care. Yesterday I wenet to his house to ask him to forgive me, but he wasn’t in his house.

Yes, do u know who is the loyal person who helped me stop lying? Actually he is simmer 27 from www.simmer27.wordpress.com I give him all the thanks and please clap for him.

59 Responses

  1. yay i was first 2 vote!!! but i have no idea wats goin on

  2. how you have his name?

  3. I TRUSTED YOU!!!!!! its bad to lie i liitle white lie can turn out to be a big white lie.I forgive you but,You need to apoligize to fever He might never re join agin you now that right.

  4. i cant believe it. i dont know if i should come here anymore. i dont know what to believe!!!!!! and change ur hit counter!!!! u messed up big time!!!!! but next time try not to say ur famous and u will become famous urself! i need time to think!!!!!!!!1

  5. i cant believe it. i dont know if i should come here anymore. i dont know what to believe!!!!!! and change ur hit counter!!!! u messed up big time!!!!! but next time try not to say ur famous and u will become famous urself! i need time to think!!!!!!!!

  6. I forgive you.I don’t blame you aswell… LOTS of people try to impersonate fever and have all been found out! I’m not mad… I’m quite impressed!

  7. I KNEW IT!!!

  8. But the blog was pretty cool.

  9. hey ameeron, this is sirius penny’s partner and friend Bald cat 12. at least u were honest and for that sirius penny and myself forgive you. 😛

  10. Dude nobody really cares



  13. i forgive you “fever”/ ameeron. you still are a good friend, fever or not fever

    ~Sirius Penny

  14. yah, actually its kinda cool that u lied all this time and u had to tell us that u were lying… nobody figured it out on their own although some people were doubtful.. but thats different, i guess… 😐

  15. and i really hope watex makes his own blog cuz i really liked his cheats. but if he doesnt then i will come here to get the cheats… 🙂

  16. i forgive you
    impressive that you kept yourself secret for such a long time
    Also are you ameeron?

  17. lj forgives ya.;
    dont quit! Love the honesty.

  18. so watex isnt gonna make a new blog?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!? well if he doesnt then u should post as urself not him but keep posting dont let those people that said u should get off the website discourage u. also i think that i would like to do something like this but i dont wanna make my own website… may be i could be a author???? 🙂

  19. but then again maybe not i would forget to get on and stuff i wouldnt stay up to date… just forgte that i ever asked…

  20. wats ur real name???

    im glad u confessed!!

    u did a GOOD deed!!

  21. I don’t care if you are someone else but you did the right thing telling the truth PLEASE do not quit because I have nowhere to go anyway tell the real Fever to come back

  22. im was mad when i saw that post. but also if u lie u wont the things u want.(parents say that) but im over being mad. also i want fever back. & if its not fever just say so. Lastly i forgive u

  23. i even added this site to my faverites, i spent ages looking for the new site…… but i forgive you. 🙂

  24. It was obvious you weren’t fever.
    Was i the only one who couldn’t tell my the edits??

  25. wth u lies to them???? lucky idk this site so im not hurt

  26. dude dont quit alseast u said the truth and u r become honest to them idk why are u saying it all i can say DONT QUIT!!!!!!!! and still be fever coz they know u as a fever isn’t it?

  27. i really thought you where fever. fever really is gone wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah i only went on this site because of fever now you tell me. but many of the cheat sites i go to usally quit so i will keep going on here ok. third comment

  28. that was really brave to confess im proud of u and im not quitting this u worked hard on it

  29. dude we just cum o this site for the CHEATS we dont care bout all this “fever” and “ameeron” stuff

  30. Ok buddy. i forgive you, but i really think that was dishonest.Fever might neverplay again because of a little white lie you did.but i guess youl tell him what you did and its a good thing u came out and confessed.thats a thing you couldnt sleep with! 😀


  31. claps for simmer 27

  32. dont leave ameeron or at least tell william to be my buddy and also to keep u here???????????

  33. and also claps dor simmer 27

  34. for simmer 27

  35. thanks ameeron. That took a lot of guts, but you never had me. You should have never did it. You should have let me and everyone else stay on the blog, and not done this, but thanks for confessing. It was just too obvious that you weren’t him. Your penguins and feverd would go on and be controlled on one computer, and fever isnt banned. Lastly, ask him if he still posts on any blogs. There might be a fake one on my blog too. Thanks again ameeron, i forgive you. i have quit club penguin, and if you want to start out fresh since no one will now come to your blog, you can join mine. Just comment on my blog and say yes or no.

  36. lol me too i calp for simmer27!!!!!!! yay i gove hima standing ovation!!!!!!!!!

  37. bade speler alerte

  38. u need to get back there ameeron ur behind and by the way everyone knew u were fake we just needed cheats and with hard work u can become famous u can still use feverd just stop this slump already i need new cheats
    we want cheats
    we want cheats
    we want cheats
    we want cheats
    we want cheats
    we want cheats
    and also claps and standing ovation for shimmer ur smart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  39. simmer i meant sry

  40. I knew it all along… I can still be buds with you though.

  41. Hello. You have an AWESOME site! Check out mine sometime! http://orngyeecpcheats.com Thanks!

  42. hey! dont insult my spelling!!! they were typos, not spelling errors!!!! lol jk mattboy

  43. ur the one who spelled bad speller alert wrong!!!!

    lol jk 😉

  44. It’s okay, at least you apologized. It’s good you’re not like that dumb fake Fever at watex clubpenguin.wordpress.com. He didn’t even say he was a fake Fever!

  45. How come once it said this site on youtube?

  46. I already knew you weren’t Fever.. Sorry but I already know that he quit for good, and has one spare site just in case, he E-mailed me with his real e-mail.

  47. I actually know him, will chou lol

  48. is watex back because ur pages has the stuff from watx

  49. Hi!! i’m as u know 2princcess cuz well thats my other account and i have a wordpress also so i was wondering if u could put me on your blogroll ( i just started my wordpress) so i’m still learning how to work this wordpress thing and i’m trying to get more viewers so yea and if u do put me on there…. THANKS A BUNCH!!!!

  50. Something fishy was going on. I knew his name was William.

  51. OMG!

    Ican’t beleave evrey one trusted you you need to give this site to him tell him what you did and never have a wordpress agian.

    Just becouse he lost his site dosen’t mean to go by his name. I want to know what happens.
    if he is william then tell him that he has yo claim the web back because not only you copyed him but i know more did.



  53. Well,dude i forgive you
    And i thank simmer aswell
    Keep up the good work!
    -Mr T

  54. We all forgive you. 😉

  55. hppt://Dgn99.Wordpress.com

  56. hppt://Dgn99.WordPress.com/


  58. oh guys you dont know who you are all talking too, 😦

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